Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow in the East Again

Snow Bliss

There is no such thing.  However, my heart still skips when I wake up to a fresh blanket of the white stuff.  Then the reality of shoveling and driving follow soon after the heart skipping.  It looked so beautiful this morning I snapped these inspirational pictures.  Found some time in the studio with the pellet stove...........ah!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pins Pins Pins

Oh Don't You Just LOVE This?

These are made to order at the moment.  I am working away at creating many, many more.  If you are interested, pleeezz email me for the retail or wholesale order information deets at:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Victorian Pin Line

Victorian Pin Unveiled

There is a new pin line at Simply Pretty Stuff nowadays. These are designed using recycled bits and bobs of things treasured and found. I had no idea the Victorians were oh, so RISQUE! Ou-la-la...