Friday, December 27, 2013

Soldered Book Pendants in Jewelry Affaire

Books Extraordinaire in Jewelry Affaire
Winter 2014

I have been lucky enough this holiday season to see my special book necklaces, made from stamped solder and colored with a bit of Guilder's Paste, in the current issue of Jewelry Affaire.  

I love the artists' features found in this publication and am thrilled when my pieces are selected to be among them.  

Actually, sometimes, the best of art friendships actually begin when writing for publication.  Some of us exchange emails, connect on facebook, or once in awhile just have old fashioned chats on the phone.  One of my art sister friends lives hundreds of miles away and we just now got off the phone after chatting like school girls.  

I love what publishing has given me.... new friends and networking, confidence and affirmation of creative endeavors, and opportunity to achieve much, much more.  I so encourage others to submit and keep on submitting.  Get out there and share.

Thank you Jewelry Affaire and thank you to all of their readers who take the time to look at my things among all the creative others.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Art Sister Ornament Sharing For The Holidays

Handmade From The HeArt Ornaments

This year, Cat Kerr organized a holiday ornament sharing event between art friends.  Some of us had not ever met face to face, prior to this fall.  In fact, Cat and I first met across the miles through email, while collaborating on a Belle Armoire Magazine article earlier in the year.  Finally, this October we met for the first time at the Art Is You Retreats in Stamford, CT.  How truly special and what fun it was.....

Apologies for not sharing sooner, but here are ornaments from the artists who participated.  They are so beautiful, each and every one!  I love how they hang sentimentally on my tree in the studio.  They shall stay there all year round.  

Happy Holidays to all my art sisters!

Cat Kerr

Lynne Suprock (moi)

Jodi Ohl

Kecia Deveney

Leslie Venable

Nellie Wortman

Nancy Maxwell

Taryn Reece

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Believer in Miracles And The Power of Faith, Hope and Family

A Journey From This Place To The Next:
Adventures Unfolding

For all of us, time passes too quickly.  We are born, are in a rush to grow up, then when we are finally sage with wisdom, we must wonder where we are to go next.... what adventures and challenges, love and life should lie ahead?  

So it is with a miracle, that life begins again... and so I suppose that it is my belief in this miracle that we are born, we die, and we are born again.  What we do in between the being born part and the dying part is up to us.  Did we make a difference?  Did we waste our gift?  In the end, did we really get what living was all about?  I do think about these things every now and again, and this is one of those now and again times.

My mom passed away last Saturday.  It has been a little hard to get things into perspective until now.  She is on to her next challenge, and she will hit the ground running, no doubt.  She believed that there was life in every breath and a purpose for all of us in that life.  It was difficult seeing her decline over the weeks and months that passed.  As well, it was difficult for her to accept her decline and her ultimate frail mortality.  These things we cannot change, no matter how much we wish we could.

Growing up mom endured hardship, but also had experienced great joy.  As a young woman, she could count on family, older brothers and a sister, for strength and encouragement as she continued her along her path of choices.....of life's challenges.

Then, at the cusp of middle age, she lost her husband, her friend, and a father to her three children.  Without fail, she carried on with great strength and conviction to make a life for us all.  She was my ultimate motivation to succeed and to move beyond the status quo.  

This is not goodbye, nope, but just another chapter before the next book in a new life begins.  I will have faith and hope that, as family, we will meet once again.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Auction To Benefit Disaster Relief in The Philipines/ Simply Pretty Stuff Tiara


Andrew Thornton has organized this silent auction blog hop to benefit the victims of the recent disaster in the Philipines. There are countless people there, young and old, without food, clothing, or shelter.  I agreed to help raise money to help those people by donating this tiara for the auction.  The proceeds raised will be sent to a relief organization, CARE. 

The tiara fits all head sizes.  It is one of my featherweights.  This 
silver soldered piece features white lace and blue glitter webbing, giving a bit of dimension to each soldered charm on the base.  Swirlie wires and a vintage piece of costume jewelry adorn the top.  Retail value of this particular tiara is $108.00.   Starting asking bid is $38.00.  

All bidders should post their bids in the comment section.  The auction will run until midnight on Thursday, Dec 5th.  The winner will be announced on Friday, Dec 6th.  I am providing shipping free of charge via USPS, first class with tracking, as soon as payment is received from the winner.  Payment will be through Paypal.  I will contact the winner directly once the auction closes.

The following artists are also participating in this auction event.  Go see what they have on the auction block:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Shotgun Shell Ring Workshop Online!

Shotgun Shell Ring Workshop Now Online With

I loved teaching this class live at the retreats.  However, many of you asked for an online version of shotgun shell bezel making.  Sooooooo, it is now time to open the class to all of you at home! 

am pleased to announce that the class is now available through  Just go to their web site and click on "videos".  Kits for this workshop are also available at my Etsy store:

This workshop would make a great holiday gift idea!  Or enjoy creating over the holidays and make a few pieces of bling for yourself and others! 

Once you order the workshop, you will have several weeks to view.  There are handouts for all the techniques as well!  Hope to see everyone soon online.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Allegory Gallery: An Autumn Gem In Western Pennsylvania Foothills

A Day Creating in Ligonier Valley

This past weekend found me in Ligonier PA, enjoying the beautiful fall colors as they reach peak, and savoring a delicious bowl of white bean chile with my family...a favorite fall weather meal.

 Sunday was a special day, spent creating and visiting The Annex, a classroom satellite of Allegory Gallery in Ligonier, PA.

Andrew Thornton and I worked on a few doll molds and heads for a future workshop together.  I love when we meet because the creative sparks just fly.  I have not tried my hand at sculpting and Andrew was gracious enough to get me started!

The Annex is a great place for creative workshops.  Lots of progress has been made in rennovations, there is natural light and it is warm and cozy.  I cannot wait to teach there a bit.  Andrew has a lot of plans for this artists' niche. 

Here is a little look see at what we worked on in a few short hours after some catch up and a couple lattes!  Looking forward to our next meet up...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Art Is You Stamford 2013

Art Is You 2014
Retreat Reminisce

Okay WOW, it has been awhile since the last post.  Hmm, it isn't because there is nothing to write!  Nor was it because I was spending more time sleeping! Ha.

Between Beadfest in Phila PA, and Art Is You in Stamford, CT, time just flew, with inventory to create, teaching materials to gather, surprises to finish, strategic packing to manage, and a few other plans to make.  Let's just say it was definitely a 6 week crunch time, so I saved up all my gathered thoughts for now....

 Foremost in my mind on this day, are the thoughts that life just flies by like that.  Holidays, births, deaths, weddings, reunions, events.... We rush and rush and rush and rush.  Seldom since those introspective days of college, do I just sit to look at what I have already accomplished and where I should be going next, and what it all means.  In the middle of most of the marathons, my opinion is that most of us go on and on, hoping and thinking we might be making a difference...making our mark or helping others to make theirs.  How do we know that we accomplish that in the end?  We don't I suppose but we can choose to think about making a difference more often.  One of the reasons I support Art Is You is for that very reason.  The prep, the involvement, and even months after the event are all about doing something to make a difference.  Hmm.  Well, just read on and let me tidy up those thoughts then in summary.


This year ART IS YOU was all about gratitude and the generosity of giving.  How very wonderful because these are things that can make a difference in the lives of others, for sure.  I was glad to be a part and want to share my experiences and my version of what I thought this retreat was all about.

I will rewind to the actual packing for this event, because it begins there for me.  There were projects brewing and things to create, bring along, and distribute.

 Creative Inkling Insructor, Edie Malin had put out the request for folks to use their talents to create a journal for a service man or woman.  Her husband is in the military, so she knows first hand what being away from loved ones means.  How wonderful to create heartfelt journals for special notes or photos while away from home. There were many wonderful journals that came.  They were beautiful and were sent out to the service men and woman by Edie.  I loved being a part of this and hoping to make a difference. Here are a few...

As well art sister Colleen Peck organized the cutting and sewing of simple dresses for the Dress A Girl campaign.  I hauled my sewing machine and scissors to Stamford to help make a difference!

There was also the business of TRADES.  I had never done these before and thought I would give away some of my recycled ornaments from a past project.  I had soooo much fun giving trades out to people this year!  : )  uh oh.  this raises the bar for next year.......better start planning something NOW!!  Here are just a couple of the beautiful things I had received in return from Cara Rae of and BZ, Betti Zucker.  I have lots of others that I will cherish and display all year round!

Some of the most exciting things for me to pack were items for the Art Is You Raffles.  Retreat organizers Sallianne McClelland  and Ellen Legare work hard to plan everything, but it is just plain fun to be involved in the raffle events!  Proceeds go to charity (different ones each year) and it was terrific seeing what artists donate for these.  Our joined efforts made a difference! This year I donated a tiara like the ones made in this year's AIY workshop and a bottle necklace that was featured in Belle Armoire Jewelry last year.  How wonderful to have a friend be one of the winners of the tiara.  Here I am with Terry Fryer.

 Last but not least there was inventory to create and gather to bring along at vendor night.  This is always fun to do, although busy for sure.  As I packed, some things were set aside to give as special gifts which might make a difference. Of course there is a picture of vending day since I am such a hammo!

To the nutz and boltz of this year's teaching venue... I taught two workshops.  One was Charlotte's Sanctuary and the other was Tempest Tiara.  Each workshop had kits to prepare and tools to pack.  Both classes were wonderful.  I loved each of my students! For me, they made a difference!

 Then, after all the workshops, the raffles and the food, many gathered to give back.  We finished up our projects, painted, sewed, danced and came together for making a difference and had so much fun as well.  Below are some of my pictures but so many more are found on the Facebook page for Art Is You under albums, Stamford 2013.

Did I mention that I dragged my husband along? My arm went a bit gimpy before the event and he offered hauling services, which I accepted. Well, he was a great sport and loved it all as well.
Here is proof someone  had fun!!

OK, now I will tidy those serious thoughts from way back at the beginning ...

I lost a friend recently and was in awe and humbled at the numbers of people who came to the memorial service.  He meant a lot to me, to his family and to his friends, but his reach was far far greater and out of the circle most of us draw around ourselves.  He was astute, had a wicked sense of humor, was tireless, and always offered  his opinion....not advice, just his opinion : )  He was blunt when he had to be, and had kindness unspoken.  His opinion was that we should set a course for good and keep the pace, and that for each and every day, we should all try to make some kind of difference.........

Be involved.  Make a difference.
Hoping to see you in Stamford, CT 
for Art Is You 2014