Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hear Ye Hear Ye!!
Still Snowed In Here!

I got carried away with spring fever and made a few more Easter Chick pins.  (Scroll down a couple of posts to see one).  If you click on that picture, you can go to my shop and get one for yourself!! 

And so ahhh, will we ever thaw out?  Last night and today we got over a foot more of snow to add to our previous 2 feet!!  We are now on "emergency heat" as our heat pump is completely snowed under and inoperable in its current situation.......and, yes, the US postal service gets another day off...........

Later, I plan on baking really, really, really healthy cookies, providing we still  have power  (its been a flicker'n).  There is less guilt associated with eating all the cookies when they are really, really, really healthy. I will save one or two for my brave husband who came through the storm, driving from Virginia last night, and a couple for my dear friend and neighbor, Kim, who gave me a secret ingredient for this batch.  So, less guilt, not actually eating every single one of them!

above left is our deck the little fence rail is 3 feet.  what is on the feeder is our new accumulation

on a covered front porch....some kitty is not happy with this situation

  Greg in our front yard digging a trench!

I will be designing some vintage jewelry pieces for Ellie's in South Carolina today.  Then let the cookie gluttony begin!

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