Monday, March 22, 2010


This was the weekend for getaways in the Northeast.  The daffodils are up and the sun now warms the soul, chasing away what was left of that burr...winter chill.

Usually I thrill myself with a virtual getaway, on the spur of the moment to the blogsphere, finding new and wonderful sites led by the most interesting and wonderful women. 

But this weekend, I fed all the cats, packed a bag and tripped off to VA with my hubby, who had to work a bit. 

I did get a quick tour of Apex CoVantage headquarters since I tagged along and was impressed with Greg's very cool office surroundings.  The most beautiful office complex I had ever seen actually. The wall art, which was very earthy, contained the elements of glass and metal and was swoon worthy.  It was bright with lots of windows and neutual tones.  Desks were organized and all chairs looked ergonomically correct and comfortable.   sigh.  His home office is definitely lacking.  This artist will have to focus on tweeking a few things now that I have been inspired.

But to get back to the actual field trip...that was not the thrill found.  The real excitement came making the jaunt to Lucketts, The Beekeeper's Cottage and On A Whim..........  ou la la.  I was surrounded by glitter, linens and patina.

First stop was to a place called On A Whim.  This complex has the only polka dotted silo in Virginia... yep polka dotted!  Check out their site at   I met Donna, the owner and we IMMEDIATELY connected.  I loved her business which reflected nothing less than inspiration, energy and glamour.  How fab! Of course I made the perfect purchase.  Guess what's in this goody bag?

A simply pretty lamp, of course.  It will work wonderfully, lighting my designs on my table at future shows. How perfect are those colors?  Well, check out  and you'll see what I mean. a definite wow...........

Here are a few more things to covet at On A Whim.

And on to Luckett's General Store.  Check out their place on  While there I checked out the fleurish spot.....and just about everywhere I looked, I found Paris!!!  This is karma since the one and only "Summer Retreat" in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia will be sponsored by    Check out these Parisian lov~a~lees and then be sure to visit Korie B in the blogsphere!


Last stop, The Beekeeper's Cottage, Where glitter really does reign!  White on white on white......oh my!

Don't miss the ballerinas if you go there for your field trip away!

1 comment:

  1. First THANK YOU for the post about ON A WHIM. What great pictures you got, and your blog is wonderful. I am so glad we got to meet, I do hope we will keep in touch, as you said we did connect. It was such a pleasure to meet and talk to you. I will be looking forward to our next meeting and also to your next post.I THANK YOU AGAIN and wish you a wonderful week.
