Monday, May 10, 2010

Variety Adds Spice

The rest of my New York trip found the usual variety.  Well, oxymoron or not, variety is usual in the city.  Where else would you see a flying iguana, cool glass buildings, or a bazillion dollar chandelier all in one place, in one day?

This trip I was also lucky enough to connect with three special ladies....yes all in one short trip.  I met up with my friend, Mabel, from Nature Publishing, as we have continued to keep in touch these past few years.  

I then met a new friend, Anne Marie Paolucci, founder of ChemoComfort,  which is a worthy non-profit in the city.  Each year ChemoComfort has a fundraising raffle which enables them to send much needed comfort boxes to women who have had chemotherapy for breast cancer.   Anne Marie will have a booth at the Greenwich Village festival ....just around the corner this month.

Last, but not least, I reunited with a most wonderful old friend, not seen for many, many years.  There was no loss for words here!  Susan Demark developed an excellent website about New York's history, photography, architecture and more, called the Mindful Walker.  Check her out!

How wonderful and dynamic are these women?  ....rrrreal wonderful and real dynamic. 

Icing on the cake for a perfect week was being able to head up to Lexington Ave, where one of the street fairs was in full swing.  There was eye candy and real candy... lots to see and do too.  Such artisans and crafts people!

And even a celebrity spotting!!  Ah go on!

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