Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tiara for the garden...

Garden Fairy Princesses Love This Tiara


 This whispy tiara piece was made from some very old and very special beads and buttons.  It has a secret destination, so I am packaging it up tomorrow, ever so carefully, for its maiden voyage.  Sigh.

The charm in the center reads, "Let us be grateful for people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
by Marcel Proust

My Yellow Rose of Fairfax friend passed that wonderful quote onto me, so I am sure the garden fairy princesses will love it just as much as I do!

1 comment:

  1. That is just gorgeous.

    I commissioned a special birthday crown to wear on my 40th birthday -- I had a craft show that birthday weekend and it was a hit with the customers!

    Btw, you mentioned contacting you about my sweet cat -- email is lori (at) lorianderson (dot) net
