Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flip Flop Couture

Flip Flop Style On A Dime

OK, I know summer was yesterday and fall is now.  However, who could resist one dollar flip flops??  Tis the time of year these babies are found here and there for just a buck.

A plain Jane, I am not.  Therefore the dollar flip flops evolved.  With a bit of black silk ribbon ( can make by cutting scrap silk on a bias), I made two little bows and hand sewed them to the top of each flip flop. 

The next part was easy.....I picked up hand made posies at the Summer In Paris Retreat in Harper's Ferry, VA in August.  A working mom, and artist, Jennie Gift, sold pins and barretts made from ribbons and pearls at the vendor show during the conference.  Rather than wear these flowers in my hair, I thought they would make cute flip flop adornments! Snip, I cut them free from their hair pins and hot glued them to the bows.  Ready for wear.......NEXT summer.  ; )

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