Friday, December 10, 2010

London And Back.................

London For The Holidays

It has been a busy few weeks in and out of the studio for sure.  The elves and I worked hard to get Christmas orders ready before leaving the country for several whirlwind days.  Destination?  London, England.  Lucky me, I managed to sneak off to London to attend a few seminars on social platforming, a hot topic in business nowadays, and to visit old friends, while scoping out the latest trends in fashion and jewelry of course!!
My favorite thing to do this time of year in London is to check out the ice skating, the parks and the window decorations for sure.  Sticky Pudding Cake, my favorite British sweetness, is popular this time of year.  As well, we enjoy the Stollen, a fruit laden German Christmas cake.  I have got some great recipes so that I can try to replicate these yummy confections at home, here in the states.
During this trip, I was able to spend the entire DAY last Saturday at The Portobello Road Market.  Oh my, I was in heaven, yes indeed!!
Check out these Simply Pretty Stuff photos of a London Fashionista :) while she visited the Westfield Mall near Kensington.  Roses and sparkles are the thing this year...on dresses, hats purses, shoes.

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