Saturday, February 26, 2011

New York, Old As.....Dirt?

Aging Grace

Not everything ages gracefully.  Not everyone would consider an inanimate object as something having age at all.  However, things like buildings and trees, surely do age, flying through time along side their human counterparts.  In the usual city, one can find spectacular architecture, with or without facelift, or the remains of a crumbling ruin, once something spectacular, but now neglected, as it was abandoned in time.
New York has some wonderful surprises and things that warrant a stop to ponder their designers, builders, planters, caretakers.
A good friend, New York's Mindful Walker (, and I spent some time a while back, beating the pavement, discovering and admiring the living, breathing city of New York with a unique eye..............AND with a hearty appetite for tea and biscotti stops along the way one cold, brisk day in the Village. Check these out. Each speaks.


  1. Fabulous pictures, and a great walk!

    I do often think about the person or persons who placed that delft tile wall panel in the Village from 1868. What a gift to the people coming by in each generation.

    You have an excellent eye for the city's details and whether its buildings are aging gracefully or not. And it's an artist's eye that comes through so strongly in the work you do, in which -- like those architects and builders -- you create a design, combine varied objects, and build them into a brand-new wonderful object that will last.

  2. Thanks Suze. As they say, "takes one to know one." Your writing and observations inspire as well.
