Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Special Pin

A Special Donation To Support The Chemo~Comfort Organization

I was lucky enough to meet a fantastic and passionate woman last year as I became involved in an organization called Chemo~Comfort.  A cancer survivor herself, Anne Marie Paolucci has developed this organization that caringly assembles boxes of items persons going through chemotherapy may find useful to use as they receive treatment for their cancer.  Based in New York City, Chemo~Comfort has grown to provided boxes to hundreds of patients everywhere. 

Each year Anne Marie and her team conducts a spring fundraiser and gives away wonderful goods and services donated from local and not so local retail merchants.

This will be my second year participating.  I will be sending several glass ornaments and one special pin, made with buttons, tulle and antique lace, particularly for this event.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic project, and I look forward to following it into the spring. How awesome that you participate!
