Saturday, September 15, 2012


A Girl's Gotta Have What A Girl's Gotta Have

A long time ago, I had thought, " Hmm, if I could only have a dedicated work space, in one room, instead of scattered between basement and the other floors of my house, I would be ecstatic!"  
Not that long ago, I thought, "Hmm, if I only had a dedicated studio, that I could close the door to the world and work for hours on end on my designs."
Just this summer I thought, " Hmm, I need more tables, drawers, tools and lighting....better lighting and things would be perfect."
OK.  There is no end to this adding to the inventory, expanding the floor space and outgrowing all available table tops!  This summer, the second worktable went in the "tool room" and it was bliss  : )
Thank you my carpenter on demand husband.


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