Monday, November 26, 2012

Shotgun Shell Bracelets Featured In Jewelry Affaire

Flirty Shotgun Shell Bracelets in 
 Jewelry Affaire!

Holy Smokers!   My colorful and girly bracelets will be featured soon in this upcoming Winter issue of Jewelry Affaire.  Ou la!! Here they are!

 I was so excited to have captured the eye of those very talented editors at Stampington with these flirty little wrist adornments.  Many thanks to Beth Livesay who has been supportive to my bezel reclamation antics and shotgun shell jewelry endeavors!

These were so fun to make, and always add lotsa pizzazz to any outfit....especially to all those black ones I tend to buy : )

I will be teaching how to assemble these bracelets locally in upcoming March 2013 classes at the Adams County Arts Council's Education Center, 
in Gettysburg, PA.   
For more information contact Wendy Heiges at the Arts Council or go to:


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