Thursday, March 27, 2014

Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine Features Shotgun Shell And Leather Bracelets!!

Shotgun Shell And Leather Bracelet In 
Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine

Absolutely, the most exciting thing for me to recycle is the shotgun shell brass.  They make the perfect little jewelry bezels!  I have used them several ways and love how they just!

This spring, my bracelets are featured in Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine, a Stampington journal.  The submission was accepted quite a bit ago so there are a few new tricks that I will be teaching in future workshops regarding these lovely pieces of arm candy.  Cynthia Levens, editor extraordinaire for BAJ, did a beautiful spread I thought.  Her photographers always seem to make the writer's work jump right off the page.  I truly love how everything looked.

If you are interested in learning more about shotgun shell separation and jewelry making, take my online ring workshop, offered as a VIDEO workshop along with PDF handouts, at 

 The course has no timeline, so you can do it at your own pace and review it as many times as you would like. Here is the direct link, if you would like to check it out!

Unfortunately is no longer.

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