Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Faux Gems and Stones!!

Stone Infused Gems and Jewelry

Come to the foothills of the Appalacian Mountains to Ligonier, PA.
I will be teaching an all new Stone Infusion Jewelry workshop in this most special and serene place.  

There are so many fine boutiques and places to get a bit to eat there.  It is a beautiful place to visit, indeed!  A wonderful Saturday Market happens where local farmers bring their produce, jams and honey, bakers show off gluten free morsels, and local artists sell their beautiful, beautiful pieces.

Join me, won't you for three hours of gem building techniques...

Stone Infused Gems and Jewelry Workshop
When:  Saturday, August 9, 2014
Where:  Allegory Gallery
Time:  1 PM to 4 PM
Cost: $55.00 and $5.00 kit fee for supplies

Contact shop proprietor, Andrew Thornton, to register or for more information about this event:

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