Monday, August 11, 2014

A Shared "Heart For Art" Project Between Pennsylvania's Allegory Gallery and Simply Pretty Stuff

Shared Heart For Art

I really enjoy my art journey which has connected me with so many others, outside of my already EXTRAORDINARY universe of family and friends.

One cherished friendship, forged since this awesome art journey of mine began, was with artist, writer, and the mojo behind The Allegory Gallery, in Ligonier, PA, Andrew Thornton.

Do you know how it is sometimes, when you think that somewhere, somehow, you already know a person, but yet you've just met?  That has happened with several art friends, and to this list add Andrew, and later, his partner Will.  

A couple years ago Andrew hosted artist Gail Crossman Moore in his studio for some workshops and show.  I had always admired her enamel work and thought I would sign up.  I did, met Andrew, and took the class with Gail.  Everything clicked.  Gail and I are now treasured art sisters, and because of that workshop day, I also met another kindred art soul who lives in my own back yard, Carol Dee Wingfield Myers.  

My universe has grown oh, so much, and such wonderful, fabulous, and exciting new ways.

So far, this little story has been heartfelt and heartastic.  However, there is a real artful heart piece here too.  During one of our visits, Andrew gifted me a handheld polymer heart.  It was sculpted and painted, and I knew it would come to have a greater artful purpose.  

We plotted exchange!  Alter the heart, then give it back.  Alter it again and return it.  Volley the heart and create, create, create.  How fun is that? 

So far, we began with a painted polymer sculpture, cold connected a simple piece, played with more polymer clay and a taxidermy style eye, added a hand, molded with Amazing Mold Rubber, colorants and Casting Resin, accented with a 20 gauge shotgun shell, and attached a few blonde ringlets.  

 And I can't wait to see what happens when we meet again.

How are you connected to the people in YOUR universe?  Maybe share a heartful, artful, project of your own... :-)

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