Sunday, October 19, 2014

Art~Is~You Retreat, Stamford 2014, Bringing Together Best Friends Forever

Art Is You Retreat 2014
Stamford, CT
Bring Together Best Friends Forever...

For the past few years, I have been so excited to attend, teach and vend at a most beloved art retreat in New England.  Year after year I have been both amazed and humbled at the magical things that happen there.  

I have experienced wonderful students, fabulous teachers, and made the best friends in Stamford, each and every year.  I have witnessed a million hugs, a few tears, lots of giving, and contagious laughter.  From morning till night, stuff happens.....lots and lots and lots of stuff.....that makes us all grow as artists, gives us strength, and makes each and every one of us very, very happy to attend.

My Sacred Journal Of Reflections Workshop

My Twinkly Love Affaire With Words Workshop

This year, I had taught two classes, taken two classes, and vended.  I was there for five days, but it was over in a blink.  Already missing my art sisters and brothers and cannot wait to meet them once again next year.

Here is a blip of my photo highlights.  You can see lots more on the Art Is You Retreat on Facebook 

AIY Photo Snippets 
From The Heart


  1. How FUNNNNN! I can tell you had a blast AND your students were richly blest~ha!

  2. thanks Chris! It was a lot of fun. I loved my students and the time went soooo fast.

  3. Great seeing you there Lynne. And as always, wish we had more time to catch up.

  4. Thanks Seth. I know! always caught in the whirlwind.....
    Appreciate your connect though as always. :-)
