Wednesday, January 21, 2015

FB Designer's Challenge

Jewelry Designer's Challenge 

I don't exactly respond to all my emails or scan FB every day.  Sometimes I spend a couple hours and do a catch up with it all thing.  I have even toyed and still talk about getting off the FB wagon due to all the time it eats up.  As well, there is a dark side of FB fever too.  And I just won't get into that here.....
So last week, I did miss the initiation of one cool shout out for sharing between creatives.  uh oh.  It just so happened I arrived a couple days late on the scene after being nominated by art sister Cat Kerr.  The rules were established by Donna Greenberg.  They go something like this......
"Post one of your jewelry pieces on your FB page, one per day, for 5 days in a row (does not need to be new: can be a design you made in the past)  and nominate another artist each day to continue this challenge."
What a NICE thing to see and do on FB I thought.  Seeing everyone's creations, made me so very happy and lucky to have so many creative women as my friends....virtual or not.
OK, Easy Peasy, I thought.  Well, since 2007, I made, and sold, published and taught how to make, lots and lots of pieces that I love.  How do I choose?  Then, there is the, "My heavens,WHO do I nominate?" part.  Oh my gosh, there are dozens of artists that immediately come to mind.....all very talented indeed.  These were hard choices.
So, here I am 4 days into my challenge (and a sneak peak at Day 5 enamels) and each piece shared so far, still brings a smile to my face.
I wanted to put my choices here on the blog to share, just in case, you are practicing FB in moderation this week too.  Enjoy and grab some cocoa and seek out the others... :-)


  1. How fun and diverse your work is! Gotta smile!

  2. thanks Chris. I guess I like lots of things. my favs are the books and tiaras though. Since I began this creative journey late in life, I have not developed a path for one thing or media. It all interests me so I guess I am still like a newbie in the field in a lot of ways....
