Thursday, May 14, 2015

 Creative Rocks And Gems You Can Make Out Of 

By Lynne Suprock

Lynne Suprock here and I am so excited to share a little inspiration with you once again!  This one comes from a long standing love of rocks and geodes.  


When our son was small, my husband and I began a collection of rocks and minerals that we found around the yard, at the beach, or after an excursion to the gem and mineral show in our local area.  We named and displayed our finds,  but as time passed, moves happened and our child grew up.  The rocks were packed away. 

 Every once in awhile though, I Would find myself at the beach, or at an art show ... Collecting once again.  However, now The prize evolved into a few sparkly Druzy stones, which I adore. :-)
After having opportunity to experiment with Amazing Crafting Products, it donned on me to replicate the shapes of some of these stones with Amazing Mold Putty and recreate my own colors and shimmer with the ever truly amazing casting resin!  A bit of glitter or Alumidust in the mold, and voila ...Semi precious stones and Druzies take form!

I used the Dremel to make the holes for findings and attached some of the stones to pieces of copper.  

I am Excited and pleased to share these project how-to's in both this  2015 Spring issue of 

So go ahead, create your own gems and rock inspired jewels, using a little imagination and some Amazing Crafting Products.

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