Thursday, December 20, 2018

How To Turn Frumpy Into Fabulous, Art Tutorial 18, By Lynne Suprock

How To Turn Frumpy
Into Fabulous, Art Tutorial 18

By Lynne Suprock

OK, so I did get a little behind with posting a few of my Art Share projects.  This one was completed in July.  I did a bit of everything here.... cut apart a full length jumper, made a few ruffles and a glorious pocket, incorporated a linen bag into the works and then monoprinted for dimension.  I LOVE HOW IT TURNED OUT.

So, if you are curious, I made a video of the transformation to share.  You can pause at anytime to catch your breath and cut, or just enjoy the show.  Follow this link.

let's begin with scissors...

1 comment:

  1. I really loved reading your blog. It was very well authored and easy to undertand. Unlike additional blogs I have read which are really not tht good. I also found your posts very interesting. In fact after reading, I had to go show it to my friend and he ejoyed it as well!

