Thursday, May 12, 2011

Finding Frozen Charlotte

My First Frozen Charlotte!!

ou la la, I found the Art and Soul Retreat.  She was the last pitiful one on the table and I had to have her.  She has now become one of the pieces in my simply pretty stuff collection, just waiting to be graced and adorned with design.

As the Frozen story goes, Charlotte went out with her boyfriend in a carriage into the cool night's air.  Her mother urged her to take a wrap to stay warm, but Charlotte chose not to follow that advise.  She died from the cold, alas.  With a sad heart, her boyfriend died of the news.

Nothing like a good German folktale tragedy.  I can say this because I grew up in a German household, with interesting bedtime stories.

Yesterday and today have been crazy busy days between the garden and the studio.  Just love to be busy letting those creative forces work.  A mouthful of Ghiriadelli chocolate caramel squares sure do have a place in all that too  ; )

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