Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring Surprises

Sometimes the spring plan for posies is made in the fall, in anticipation of a bountiful spring splendor.  It works half of the time here...well...yep, about half the time.  This year the several year old wisteria out did itself.  This was a plan and a hope we had when we transplanted the young sapling into so very sad and brick hard dirt ~ in a drought year.  I watered with the laundry rinse water that year!  Alas, now I can say it was soooo worth it.

As well this spring, there were some sweet surprises.  Blooming Ajuga found its way to the front yard between the blades of virgin grass.

Another find this spring was of the reptile type.  A family of brown water snakes made their home in our pond this year.  Back to the wetlands they go.

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