Thursday, June 21, 2012

All About Barbie

Summertime For Barbie...

My friends know that my Barbies and I go way back...way back.  I sewed Barbie clothes (still do), created Barbie vignettes, faux painted Barbie's house, made Barbie jewelry, and spent hours with my sis and a few friends, planning out the life events of our Barbies when we were teeny tots!

A few months ago, a friend of mine, gave me the book, Barbie's New York Summer.  What a welcome addition to my workspace!  Since I do go to New York every now and again and I love little books, this was a good classic for the Barbie girl in me.

As well, along the way,  another summer "must have" for Barbie (not Ken) was found at a local tag sale.  Wow, was I pleased with my shrewd negotiating skills for this nifty golf cart.  ; )  mine for a dollar's change.  Sweet!


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