Saturday, June 23, 2012

LIttle Books~ Little Books~ Little Books

A Bunch More of My Little, Little, Most Wonderful Books!

Looky here!  Aren't these the Bee's Knees!!

filled with papers and covered in jewels!

Leather bound, hinged and teeny tiny!

I just love my little, little, little, little book pendants!  There are two editions in this group that will find their way to a couple of unsuspecting, but deserving peeps.  You won't know who you are until you get them...............but I am hoping they will brighten your day.  Others have done the same for me, and so now its become the way I roll. 
I now teach these as all day workshops. Slip them on a chain and you're wearing a CLASSIC.  : ) 
 Let me know if you want one in your neck of the woods!   xoxo


  1. The little, little, little books are a perfect piece for a necklace worn by a retired manager of a rural library, me! What wonderful creations they are.
    Hoping one finds its way to my neck of the woods.

  2. These are gorgeous! Have to get you here for a workshop!
    Linda Esterley

  3. thanks for the comments girlz!

    Linda, where are you located? I am in the process of submitting for a few workshops this year....some local and some national.

    Looking for a New York opportunity and hoping to break out to the west US coast. Maybe will see you at one of those East Coast or even a hometown events!

