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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Simply Pretty Stuff Banner

First Time Banner Display!

Oh, a few weeks back, I decided that I really did need something more behind be at those tables and booths when vending.  But oh my anyhow, it was a little intimidating thinking that all my photo edits would somehow come to life on a 4' banner for everyone to see EVERYWHERE.

Well, what am I if not brave?  Its just that every flaw, every fluz, each and every link in the chain, every solder dot, would be blown up behind me, larger than life, about a zillion times the actual size of any of the real pieces.  Hmm.  What is there to worry about, right?

When it was time to click the purchase button, I held my breath and did it.  Afterall, if it was unrecognizable as jewelry photos in real life, I could always start the process again, learning from my mistakes.

Three weeks later, Vista Print delivered!!  Oh my gosh anyway...... look how it turned out.  I love it ... and suddenly have the urge to create way too many more.  : )

I encourage you to be brave too and make a few of your own pretty pictures to show off  the designs you love! 


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