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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Believer in Miracles And The Power of Faith, Hope and Family

A Journey From This Place To The Next:
Adventures Unfolding

For all of us, time passes too quickly.  We are born, are in a rush to grow up, then when we are finally sage with wisdom, we must wonder where we are to go next.... what adventures and challenges, love and life should lie ahead?  

So it is with a miracle, that life begins again... and so I suppose that it is my belief in this miracle that we are born, we die, and we are born again.  What we do in between the being born part and the dying part is up to us.  Did we make a difference?  Did we waste our gift?  In the end, did we really get what living was all about?  I do think about these things every now and again, and this is one of those now and again times.

My mom passed away last Saturday.  It has been a little hard to get things into perspective until now.  She is on to her next challenge, and she will hit the ground running, no doubt.  She believed that there was life in every breath and a purpose for all of us in that life.  It was difficult seeing her decline over the weeks and months that passed.  As well, it was difficult for her to accept her decline and her ultimate frail mortality.  These things we cannot change, no matter how much we wish we could.

Growing up mom endured hardship, but also had experienced great joy.  As a young woman, she could count on family, older brothers and a sister, for strength and encouragement as she continued her along her path of choices.....of life's challenges.

Then, at the cusp of middle age, she lost her husband, her friend, and a father to her three children.  Without fail, she carried on with great strength and conviction to make a life for us all.  She was my ultimate motivation to succeed and to move beyond the status quo.  

This is not goodbye, nope, but just another chapter before the next book in a new life begins.  I will have faith and hope that, as family, we will meet once again.


Cat Kerr said...

A beautiful lady! Such a wonderful post dear friend and a gentle reminder that there will always be a new chapter.xoxo

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